Massage Bunbury

Experience Deep Relaxation

Personalised massage and energy healing to revitalise your body, mind, and spirit

A woman receiving a massage at Harmony Hands Massage Bunbury


At Harmony Hands, we specialise in a unique combination of head & face massage, Abhyanga massage, Yukido, and Reiki energy healing to provide a holistic experience tailored to your needs.

Woman with eyes closed laying on a massage bed receiving a head and face massage

Head & Face Massage

The ultimate relaxation massage that leaves you feeling amazing

A woman receiving a Yukido energy healing therapy

Yukido Energy Therapy

Japanese practice promoting emotional, mental, and physical wellness

Warm oil being poured onto a woman's back as part of an Ayurveda Abhyanga massage

Abhyanaga Massage

Nourishing warm oil massage for relaxation and rejuvenation

The Harmony Hands Difference

Harmony Hands is the only provider of Indian Head & Face massage, Abhyanga massage and Yukido in Bunbury, offering clients an exclusive experience.

Feel Better

Deep Relaxation

Experience a sense of deep relaxation and tranquility

Stress Relief

Reduce stress and anxiety by soothing the mind and body

Nourished Skin

Warm oil used in Abhyanga massage nourishes the skin

Emotional Healing

Yukido helps with grief, loss, and emotional imbalances


Experience a sense of deep relaxation and tranquility


Reduce stress and anxiety by soothing the mind and body


Warm oil used in Abhyanga massage nourishes the skin


Yukido helps with grief, loss, and emotional imbalances

Caring & Passionate

Photo of coconuts and coconut oil used in some massages

Caring & Passionate

Harmony Hands was founded with a passion for promoting holistic wellness and a dedication to providing personalised care.

We bring together the ancient arts of Ayurveda massage, Yukido, and Reiki energy healing, creating a unique experience that leaves clients feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Our mission is to guide you on a transformative journey towards improved well-being and a more balanced life.

Words From Our Customers

“Long strokes and warm coconut oil, smelt amazing and it was great for my circulation.”
P. Tournay
“Thank you Carolina for a truly authentic and beautiful experience to Yukido. I was blown away by your gentleness, professionalism and wisdom in this unique treatment.”
R. Hocknell
“Fantastic, relaxing and very rejuvenating massage!”
K. Trent


Bunbury Massage

Abhyanga massage is an Ayurvedic therapy that focuses on the physical aspect of relaxation and healing through the use of warm oil and rhythmic strokes. It promotes relaxation, improves circulation, and nourishes the skin.

On the other hand, Yukido and Reiki are forms of energy healing that target emotional, mental, and physical wellness by channeling energy to restore balance in the body’s energy system.

Sessions typically last 60 to 90 minutes, depending on the services selected and your specific needs.

Our head and face lasts 30 minutes, but can be tailored to your needs.

We understand that everyone has different comfort levels when it comes to undressing for a massage. We want you to feel completely comfortable, so it’s entirely up to you how much clothing you remove. Our therapists will always use draping techniques to ensure your privacy and comfort throughout the session.

We recommend wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing for your session. You will be asked to disrobe to your comfort level for the Abhyanga massage.

At Harmony Hands, we aim to provide a relaxing and calming environment where you can unwind and let go of stress. You can expect to be greeted by a friendly and professional therapist who will discuss your needs and preferences with you before beginning your tailored massage.

We use warm oils for most massages, which are carefully selected to suit your unique needs.

Yes, we specialise in creating customised experiences that combine massage and energy healing modalities for a holistic approach to wellness.

Customers must be aged 18+.

For Abhyanga massage, pregnant women and individuals with serious health conditions should consult with their healthcare providers before booking a session. For those with certain health concerns, we may recommend a Yukido session as an alternative.

No, we provide everything you need for a comfortable and relaxing experience, including towels, oils, and aromatherapy. Just come prepared to relax and enjoy your session.